
Investigation and Analysis on the market of important varieties of textile raw materials in China


After the year 12 quarter pullback consolidation, three quarters of textile raw materials market did not walk out of trough, but in the mire deeper, making 2011 since the long bear market of domestic textile raw material market exists the trend of the spread of.

According to the statistics of the relevant agencies, 7 ~ 9 month polyester filament average sales in the vicinity of the 90% that is 4 ~ 6 month average sales fell 8 percent; average 7 to 9 months of polyester staple fiber production and marketing in the vicinity of the 75%, is 4 ~ 6 month average sales dropped 6 percentage points; viscose staple fiber, spandex and other varieties of the ring than the small amplitude increased, but the average sales are still below the horizontal line. At the same time, in terms of industry profits, in addition to spandex rise outstanding performance outside, 7 ~ 9 month most varieties of processing profits to maintain at a low level, which average profit of polyester filament in 100 yuan / ton, is 4 ~ 6 month average profit fell sharply 75%; polyester staple fiber and viscose staple fiber is long time loss, the loss rate is between 100 ~ 400 yuan / ton.

The three quarter is the traditional peak season for the textile industry, but the market is not expected to occur during the peak season. Since August, with the gradual development of autumn and winter knitted fabric sales, textile factory orders than the two quarter of a certain degree of improvement, but it was significantly lower than the same period last year. On the one hand, staple goods supply exceeds demand contradiction, also do not sell a good price, manufacturers generally at a loss state; on the other hand, in advance of consumption also advance the demand. Ahead of the production cycle problems exist in this year, the textile factories, such as last year, Changshu coral velvet and Shaoxing down cashmere goods market is from July and August began production, but this year, many manufacturers from five or six months to start early processing stocking.

Customs export data is also not optimistic. According to the latest statistics show, September 2013, China's textile and garment export amount for 265.84 billion, the chain fell 5.2%, an increase of 5.8%; the textile export amount to $90.88 billion, chain fell 3.2%, year on year growth of 6.4%; clothing exports amounted to $174.96 billion, chain fell 6.2%, an increase 5.5%. Generally speaking, from 7 to September is the year of textile and apparel exports in the high point, in September this year, exports unexpectedly fell, for the four quarter of the export prospects cast a shadow.

In the case of the end demand is less than expected, the chemical fiber industry boom decline rapidly, and has affected the process of new projects, part of the production plant to postpone or even cancel the drive. As of the end of the third quarter, as the largest chemical fiber varieties, domestic polyester new capacity and a total of 400 million tons about, the fourth quarter compared to determine if the project is expected to 100 million tons, this year's production capacity conservative estimate has 500 million tons, about 300 million tons of production capacity will be postponed to next year, put into operation.

But the market is only "the darkness before dawn". When we sigh sigh difficult to do business, some manufacturers are being gradually broadened ideas, and actively seek suitable for their own development direction. For example, Fulida has begun construction of Xinjiang Korla 600 million spindles of Textile Industrial Park project, the project includes 600 million spindle yarn device, supporting 30 million tons of caustic soda and a certain scale of weaving and downstream industries, plans completed in 2020. To be the project completed, will digest Fulida production of 32 million tons of viscose staple fiber, make domestic viscose staple fiber industry supply and demand pattern changes, but also conducive to further lengthen the Korla area of cotton industry chain, from a single plant to weaving, clothing, etc. in the direction of the development of deep processing.