
Textile and garment enterprises also look forward to what policies


China is the world's largest textile and apparel production and export country, the textile and garment exports, the sustained and stable growth to ensure China's foreign exchange reserves, international balance of payments, the stability of the RMB exchange rate, solve social employment and sustainable development of the textile industry is very important. Statistics show that China's textile and garment exports last year, US dollars, down 4.9%. In the current situation of the textile and garment trade, the company hopes to introduce policies to support?

The current state of the relevant high-tech industries to support the efforts of the local high-tech industrial park, the development of high-tech industries are also showing a good momentum. Textile and garment is our country's traditional advantage industry, however, the policy is inclined to make the textile and garment export enterprises feel some of the "cold"".

Enterprises themselves need to find a balance between labor costs, environmental costs, and output value. Hope that the country can integrate the current quality of textile and garment industry resources to form a joint force, more to the high-end market.

Wang Yang, vice premier of the State Council on April 21, attended the national foreign trade work in television and telephone conference stressed that support enterprises to cultivate brand and marketing network, to encourage cross-border e-commerce development of new formats, promote the quality and efficiency of foreign trade. The brand is a razor to increase value-added products and increase market share for the enterprise. However, the reporter visited the 119th session of the Canton fair clothing exhibitors found that the company has a number of independent brands is not much.

Ningbo Oriental Import & Export Co., Ltd., general manager, said that for the domestic garment export enterprises, the construction of the independent brand is still in the growth stage. Is currently in the country, overseas held many exhibitions, paid subsidies and policy support for OEM enterprises. 

However, independent brand enterprises often need to fend for themselves. Hope that the country has an independent brand of textile and garment export enterprises can have more policy guidance and support, to encourage more enterprises to build their own brands.