
Africa into the final value of China Textile depression"


When many Chinese garment enterprises for foreign trade business suffer and worry, some Chinese businessmen have to will own business temporarily moved to African countries and to develop the local market, to avoid the adverse effects caused by the changes in the economic situation. Global foundry industry chain from Europe and the United States transfer to Asia Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and finally through mainland China, and is now gradually shifted to the Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, and has been extended to Africa. Among them, the textile and garment industry is the most obvious.

Africa may be the last piece of the textile and garment industry, the value of depression". All of this is due to the increasing saturation of the global market for clothing and the cost of a variety of enterprises, and the financial crisis sweeping the globe has played a role in fueling the global financial crisis. "Our company optimistic about business in Africa and Africa from Europe and near the market and main cotton producing regions, customers are also very good cooperation." " Fujian Quanzhou Caroline Garments Co., Ltd. the competent foreign trade Yao Qiaoe said compared with countries in East and Southeast Asia, the East African countries in addition to cheap labor, the clothing transport to Europe or the United States at lower cost. In addition, the African countries in 2000 signed a special trade agreement with the United States, the United States clothing to enter the African market is tax-free. With the development of the local cotton industry in Africa, you can purchase local resources to further reduce costs.

International giant H & M, Tesco, Primark and other enterprises have also begun to from Ethiopia and Russia to purchase, because the country does not have the lowest salary limit, for unskilled workers, monthly salary is only $35 to $40, obviously is much lower than the Burmese. These foreign clothing companies are very popular in African countries, they also have a lot of cheap labor and energy profits due to the local rich. Kenya's clothing industry is also developing, although the country's monthly salary of about $120, but the government to attract foreign investors with a wealth of incentives.

The main participants of the world textile and apparel market, as well as the important customers of the cotton market, mainly from Asia, where China accounted for a relatively large. Textile and garment industry is one of the main pillar industries in Africa, southeastern Africa in Africa have the most vitality of the textile industry and main cotton producing regions, in recent years more attracted a large amount of money Yao Qiaoe said: "Chinese enterprises can for the southeastern African country has brought advanced technology and management methods, is helpful to enhance the local production process; and try to large-scale garment production process, to achieve transfer of garment industry and related industries as a whole to southeastern Africa."